Help!! This is a repost. Are there problems with logic:empty tags within
an logic:iterate or am I an idiot? 

I'm trying to display a checkbox only if a field is not empty. This
logic is applied in a <logic:iterate> tag as in the code below. No
matter what the property values are, the checkbox is always displayed as
if the logic check is not made. I have tried logic:empty,
logic:notEmpty, logic:equals, logic:notEquals and I always get the same
result - the checkbox is always displayed.

Thanks in advance.


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form_block
width="544"> <tr>
  <td class="form_title">Address</td>
  <td class="form_title">Description</td>
  <td class="form_title">Delete</td></tr>
  <logic:iterate id="address" indexId="i" name="EmailSettingsForm"
       <html:text property='<%= "addresses[" + i + "].emailAddress" %>'
      <html:text property='<%= "addresses[" + i + "].description" %>'/>
      <logic:notEmpty name="address" property="emailAddress"/>
        <html:checkbox property='<%= "addresses[" + i + "].deleteFlag"
<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="3"><h6>&nbsp;</h6></td>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class="form_field"> <html:submit
property="btnSubmit" value="OK"/> <html:reset value="Cancel"
/></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> </table>

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