
I'm using Struts 1.1 with modules. I want to use the page attribute of  <html:img> but 
without struts genrating the module name.
For instance:
I'm in a JSP page inside the module "administration"
let's say I want to display an image called image.gif in directory img:
<html:img page="/img/image.gif " width="229" height="32"/>

This is creating : 

<img src="/myweb/administration/img/image.gif" height="32" width="229">
instead of :
<img src="/myweb/img/image.gif" height="32" width="229">

Any solution to this problem with using src ?

Raphaël di Cicco
Atos Origin - Intégration projet AGRIPPA
2ème étage - salle 208
tél : 01-55-91-24-53

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