<c:out escapeXml="false" value="<div

Or: (better suited for a boolean)
   <c:when test="${editDeForm.initialPrecVisiblity == 'hidden'}>
        <div style="visibility:hidden">
        <div style="visibility:blah">

BTW: JSP 2.0 will support ${blah} notation outside of the JSTL taglib so
even if it looks ugly and awkward right now. It is just temporary :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 4:02 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Setting html tag attribute value

What happens if you do something like this:

<div style="visibility: <c:out

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Berry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 3:54 PM
Subject: Setting html tag attribute value

On a jsp page, I need to set the visibility of a div element based on
the value of a form attribute.  The div is inside an <html:form> element
for the form in question (editDeForm).  The fragment should look
something like:

<div style="visibility: ${editDeForm.initialPrecVisibility}"    ...>

but JSTL EL attribute tags don't work in non-JSTL tags.  I could go to
the trouble of doing a jsp:bean to grab the form bean, then call the
getter method explicitly to get the value, all inside <% %> in the attr
value, but that strikes me as being far clumsier than it should be using
the JSTL/Struts combo.  So, can someone please point me in the right
direction to handle this?

Craig Berry

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