On 07/24/2003 08:22:44 AM "struts user" wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to Struts, i am facing the following a problem with the action
> mappings.
> Here are my code snippets related to mapping the action
> In web.xml
> ------------
> <servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name>
> <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> In login.jsp
> -------------
> <html:form action="/Login"
> name="LoginForm"
> type="com.xxx.yyy.LoginForm" >

Change the JSP above to be <html:form action="/Login" > . Not sure if that 
will help, but the form name and type attributes are automatically picked 
up from your struts-config file.


> In struts-config.xml
> ---------------------
> ------------
> <form-beans>
> <form-bean name="LoginForm" type="com.xxx.yyy.LoginForm"/>
> </form-beans>
> ------------------
> <global-forwards>
> <forward name="Login" path="/login.jsp"/>
> </global-forwards>
> ----------------
> <action-mappings>
> <action path="/Login" type="com.xxx.yyy.LoginAction" scope="request"
> input="/login.jsp" name="LoginForm">
> <forward name="Success" path="/welcome.jsp"/>
> <forward name="Failure" path="/login.jsp"/>
> </action>
> With the above code, when the login.jsp is submitted the values have to 
> filled in LoginForm which is an ActionForm for the ActionClass 
LoginAction .
> The associated action path is supposed to be /Login but when the jsp is
> submitted i get an error page saying
> The requested resource (/MyApp/Login.do) is not available.
> Can somebody point me where am i wrong ?
> I am using Tomcat 4.1.24, Struts 1.1
> Meka Toka
> PS: And Yes, I have defined the ActionServlet in the web.xml
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