Hi folks,

I'm trying to set up Cactus/StrutsTestCase etc to try out testing methods on an 
existing (ongoing) application and coming across several problems. I've got the mock 
method almost working, but it's failing cos the test I've tried needs database access. 
Trying to get it to run the tests when the app is deployed in weblogic but keep 
getting NoClassDefFound errors for aspectj classes. I've tried different version of 
the jar file but the classes it complains about are always there. Im pretty sure the 
classpath is fine, but it just doesn't like it. I've tried adding the classpath to the 
application but that didn't make any difference. Anyone seen this problem before?

Weblogic 8.1
Struts 1.0/1.1
Cactus 1.4
StrutsTestCase  - tried various versions for 1.0 and 1.1 of struts. All 2.3 Servlet.


Doug Chalmers
Software Development
Petrotechnics Ltd.

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