Adam Hardy wrote:
Hi Jason,
I've heard of Get, Post, Put and Delete, but what are Head, Options and Trave?

Oops, should be Trace.

as to what they do...

Servlet Spec 2.3, 2.1.2 says:
The doHead method in HttpServlet is a specialized form of the doGet method that returns only the headers produced by the doGet method. The doOptions method responds with which HTTP methods are supported by the servlet. The doTrace method generates a response containing all instances of the headers sent in the TRACE request.

The RFC gives some more details:

Jason Lea

Jason Lea wrote:

Hi Shane,

I guess it is so they can have one servlet method per HTTP method

The spec includes doGet(), doPost(), doPut(), doDelete(), doHead(), doOptions(), doTrave()

HTTP/1.0 has doGet, doPut, doHead. HTTP/1.1 adds the others.

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