I am looking for the best practice for writing Actions in my
For example: 
I have a forgot password action where the users are taken to a page
where they can enter their username and click 'sumbit' and another page
is shown saying that their password was sent to their registered email.

Several options:
A) Have two actions:
        1. InitForgotPasswordAction.java - just for showing the page and
if there                is some logic to do first then do it here.
        2. SendForgotPasswordAction.java - handles the send.

B) Single action ForgotPasswordAction with dispatch 'init' and 'send'.

One of the problem I found with 'action=init' method, is that the
validation is activated automatically for both cases (both init & send),
and fails of course on the 'init' cause no field is yet in the form. So
I was forced to configure 'validate=false' and call it manually in the
Action code.

Any comment will be greatly appreciated here,


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