I did search the archives and there is information about using multiple
config files and separately about using full-blown modules too. There may
have been a comparison of the two approaches somewhere in the archives too,
but, I was not able to find it. Thus, my reason for posting this to the

I'm setting up the webapp infrastructure for a new project. This is the
first opportunity I have to use the new module support in Struts 1.1. As I
am investigating it, it seems like the new capability to specify multiple
struts-config files in your default module configuration in the web.xml file
gets you most of the modularity advantages that multiple modules provide.

Sure, you do get to leave the module leading subdirectory out of your action
mapping definitions when you define separate modules in web.xml for each
struts-config file. Other than that, I'm not seeing the advantages of using
full-blown modules when I could just setup separate struts-config files for
each logical module. On the flip side, you have to deal with properly
switching between modules when you use modules. Also, every request must go
through an action mapping to use modules.

Right now, I'm leaning towards setting up separate struts-config files for
each logical module and simply specifying them as a comma separated list in
the default module configuration in my web.xml. This is a relatively small
webapp which can be logically partitioned in to about 5 areas. Also, there
will be three of us working in parallel on a tight schedule. So, it seems to
me that I get the modularity benefits without the module restrictions by
simply setting up separate struts-config files.

Before going too far down this path, I was interested in any feedback from
others on the list about this approach. Am I missing something about the
differences between these two approaches?

- Van

Mike Van Riper

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