
As far as I can tell you, this cannot work. The population from the
request to a new fresh form will fail due to the fact that the form
doesn't have a setQty() setter method.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Thielen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 11:03 PM
To: Struts-Users
Subject: c:forEach & html-el:text - it's not working


I am trying to use html-el:text inside a c:forEach and according to
everything I have read - this should work. But it doesn't. Any ideas?

thanks - dave

my jsp
    <c:forEach items="${orderForm.items}" var="orderFormItem"
            <html-el:text name="orderFormItem" property="qty"

Where OrderForm.java has:
    public OrderFormItem [] getItems() { return items; }
    public OrderFormItem getItem( int ind ){ return items[ind]; }
    public void setItem( int ind, OrderFormItem ofi ){ items[ind] = ofi;

and OrderFormItem has:
    public String getQty() { return Integer.toString(qty); }
    public void setQty( String num){ qty = Integer.parseInt(num);}

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