you can specify some property for you action in config.xml.
In yur MyOwnRequestprocessor, just check whether that prooperty exists or
not, call the method if yes.

Please see the archives. This is one of the Qs that has been asked time to
time and lots of guys have done this well. One of the guys has posted some
XML that he would use in config.xml.

Navjot Singh

|-----Original Message-----
|Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 12:17 PM
|To: Struts Users Mailing List
|Subject: RE: SubClass RequestProcessor or Action class
|Actually I would like to extend the RequestProcessor class (let's say
|MyOwnRequestProcessor inheriting from RequestProcessor) and override the
|preProcess() method to embed some security related code. I was wondering
|how would I let STRUTS framework know that MyOwnRequestProcessor should be
|called instead of the standard STRUTS RequestProcessor. My ultimate aim is
|to guarantee that the piece of code I embed in the preProcess() method
|should definitely be executed for every request. Please bear with me if I
|am making no sense as I am still in the process of getting good idea on
|Sreekant G
|                      "Andrew Hill"
|                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
|"Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|                      idnode.com>                  cc:
|                                                   Subject:  RE:
|SubClass RequestProcessor or Action class
|                      09/01/2003 11:30 AM
|                      Please respond to
|                      "Struts Users Mailing
|                      List"
|This is a joke right?
|...Friday is well and truly over mate. Its Monday now.
|-----Original Message-----
|Sent: Monday, 1 September 2003 12:03
|Subject: SubClass RequestProcessor or Action class
|HI All,
|As a general practice all the application action classes are inherited from
|org.apache.struts.action.Action class. What are the Pro's and Con's of
|inheriting the application action classes from
|org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor class instead ?
|Sreekant G
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