I'm trying to make you javascripttoolbox webapp working.
But neither the simple calendar nor the extended are working.
For both, when I click to the link I got a page with the content below :

<form name="calendarInputForm" method="post" action="/javascripttoolb

any idea of how to make it work ?


Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé par : news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/09/2003 17:06
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        Objet : Re: Calendar Popup taglib

It works great in Servlet 2.3. But when I change web-inf to Servlet 2.4
(which works w/JSTL 1.1, display tag 0.9, latest struts menu, html-el,
tiles, etc.)
I get attached error.

Any news?

Kruse, Matt wrote:
> I now have a (very beta) version of the calendar popup taglib available
> download and testing:
> I'm not sure if it's in a correct or usable form as-is, but anyone
> with Struts should be able to get the examples running in their
container of
> choice.
> I have a few more things to add (like setting disabled dates, etc) but I
> wanted to get some feedback now before cleaning everything up and adding
> more functionality.
> If you have any thoughts, please let me know so I can make it more
> to the struts community!
> Matt Kruse
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