I'm sorry for the urgent-tag. But, I have a deadline to make this weekend.

Awww geeee. Thats too bad.
My heart bleeds for you. Join the club mate.

Request scoped form?
It could be that the correction property is null. Try changing your form to

private CorrectionValue correctionValue = new CorrectionValue();

so that you have the sub-bean ready for beanutils to populate (it doesnt
create it for you Im afraid - though that would be a nice enhancement imho)

You could also instantiate it in the reset() method if you wanted

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, 19 September 2003 17:50
Subject: Bean population question (Urgent)

Hi all,

I'm sorry for the urgent-tag. But, I have a deadline to make this weekend.

Okay the problem:

I have a ActionForm wich contains a ValueObject. Like this

package nl.informatiefabriek.om.action.correction;

import nl.informatiefabriek.om.correction.value.CorrectionValue;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

 * @author harm
 * @struts.form
 *              name = "deleteCorrectionForm"
public class DeleteCorrectionForm extends ActionForm {
        private String id;
        private CorrectionValue correctionValue;

         * @return
        public CorrectionValue getCorrectionValue() {
                return correctionValue;

         * @return
        public String getId() {
                return id;

         * @param value
        public void setCorrectionValue(CorrectionValue value) {
                correctionValue = value;

         * @param string
        public void setId(String string) {
                id = string;


In my JSP I have to iterate throug a Collection of 'Corrections' like
The corrections Collection contains CorrectionValueObjects:

<c:forEach items="${corrections}" var="correction">
<html:form action="/delete_correction">
        <html:hidden name="idBean" property="id"/>
        <html:hidden name="correction" property=
        <html:submit styleClass="button" value="Delete"/>

This piece of JSP generates this html:

<form name="deleteCorrectionForm" method="post"
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="A simple id">
<input type="hidden" name="correctionValue.correctionId" value="A id">
<input type="submit" value="Delete" class="button">

But when I submit the form I get:

javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate

What is the way to do this?

Many, many thanks,

Harm de Laat
The Netherlands

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