I have a class that contains a member that is a vector.  I have a vector
of these objects in the session and I am iterating through them.

I need to access the first element in that sub-vector.  How does one go
about doing this?

For example:

    public myClass {
       mySubClass[] sl;

    public mySubClass {
       String s;

and in my action, something like:

    new mySubList sl = new Vector();
    new myList l = new myClass();

In my jsp, I have something like:

    <logic:iterate id="item" name="myList" type="myClass">
    <bean:write name="item" property="sl[0].s"/>

How do I get that sl[0].s into my jsp?  I'm looking for an "as
struts-only" solution as I can find.



Gregory F. March    -=-    http://www.gfm.net:81/~march    -=-    AIM:GfmNet

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