My aproach is as follows:

Each form bean property which can be searched is a descendant of
SearchableProperty. A SearchableProperty consists of:

*A String value representing the user's input
*The selected business entity (if the user has selected one)
*An object descended from Lookup, which implements the associated search

I have a base form & dispatch action. 

The base action contains methods which are called to show the search screen;
do a search ;use a searched value etc.

The base form contains hidden fields, populated via javascript, which tell
the dispatch action which property the search function is being invoked for,
and other 'paramaters' such as the id of a selected record.

The view of my application uses the struts nested tags, and JSP includes to
provide reuseable components to render a SearchableProperty and it's
associated search view. The search view is part of the same page - the app
only ever uses one browser window, with no frames.

The upside of this approach is that I can place, with little effort,
sophisticated searching functions anywhere is the app. Due to the inclusion
of the user selected business entity behind the scenes, my view can display
any properties of the selected entity, without a change to the form bean.

The downside of this is that the form bean must be stored in session scope.
I have done a bit of load testing and it didn't seem to be a problem, but I
didn't have much to compare with - this is my first Struts app.

So, that's the approach I use. I've no idea how that compares to the best
practices out there, nut I'm eager to find out!


-----Original Message-----
From: Chawla, Yogesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 September 2003 08:19
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Struts Design Issue - Search Functionality - Best Practices
Importance: High


Design Requirement - Show a list of Search records. The screen will have
buttons for Previous/Next Month. On clicking these records would be shown.

Issues - 

a) How to store data and best practices to be followed in Struts. Return
back a Collection of Form Beans and iterate over these. However certain
other fields are required to be stored also which are not displayable. i.e.
Current Date which is a hidden parameter. Any comments ?

b) Use a single Form Bean which has variables like String[] to store the
array of Displayable Fields. However, this seems to be a less than perfect
solution. Any comments ???

c) Use Generic Search - Search on different modules, with different fields ?
Any Brilliant Guru contributions for this one..Sure need some wizard out

Pls. advise on the best approach for the Search functionality. We need to
design an application which has Search on each and every page.

Thanks for your time ,


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