I'd like to thank you for your response. As a architect who has selected
Struts for a large long term project I was concerned by the original
article. I would like to ask if you would consider writing an article/reply
saying what you said in this email for publication? For some reason
management believes what they see in print.



-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 1:00 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Editorial on Struts' Long Term Future

Andrew Hill wrote:

>Yep. Quite interesting.
>Sorry if its a bit rambling - dont have time to edit it - but heres my 2
>cents worth:
>The article doesnt mention it but Scioworks is the company behind Camino ,
>powerful RAD tool for struts so its a good bet to say that he certainly
>knows the technology and the area quite well (unlike many commentators).
Trust me ... he does :-).

>Id have to say I agree with the opinion to a certain extent - though in my
>view 3 years is a very long time in IT! ;-)
Yep.  To have Struts take that long to become "legacy" is actually a 
compliment to how well it addresses the need area it went after.  To 
have it become the underlying knowledge base of the experts building the 
"standardized" version of the technology is a compliment to the original 
developers being pretty much on the right track.

Yet, the problem that John addresses here (also known as "The 
Innovator's Dilemna") is very real.  You're told to go build something, 
and put it up on the web yesterday.  It's going to be a mission critical 
for your company, and will itself have a fairly long shelf life, so you 
want to make sure that the technologies you base your app on are also 
going to be around.  You look at the available standards-based 
technologies, and don't see what you need.  So, what do you do?

Open source developers (at least the good ones) tend to be pretty 
innovative, and that was certainly the case with Struts folks (yes, that 
includes me, and I'm very proud of what my little brainchild has grown 
into :-).  It is not unusual to find that there is an open source 
package out there.  But, is that package going to be around for the 
lifetime of my own app?

Or, to put it another way, how many open source projects are hosted at 
SourceForge?  How many of them have more than a couple of developers 
playing around in their spare time?  How many of them have been 
downloaded even 100 times (Struts gets ~75,000 downloads per month nowdays)?

I would submit that the supporting ecology around the technologies you 
choose (be they open source or not) is likely to be more critical to 
your success than the particular technical features of the package.  It 
was certainly critical to some pretty large scale companies, and 
conservative industries, that have adopted Struts quite widely.

Yet, it takes a while for that ecology to grow.  And, there's no 
guarantees that it will *ever* happen.  And, while the ecology is 
growing, the technology at the base can't evolve quite as quickly as it 
could before (ask all the guys who wrote books on the "moving target" 
that was Struts 1.1 :-).

It's an interesting balancing act.

>JSF scratches many of the same itches as struts, only better, and given
>Craig is spec lead for JSF thats hardly a coincidence. Perhaps we could
>consider struts the practice run? ;-)

>Craig & co. say that there will be a future for struts in the JSF
>generation, but Im not sure I fully grok what that future is yet (havent
>a chance to play with the jsf struts integrated stuff yet) but at the least
>it should involve an upgrade path for existing struts stuff?
Keep in mind that the existing struts-faces integration library isn't 
finished yet (since JavaServer Faces isn't finished yet).  But it will be.

To the broader question, I would definitely say there is a future for 
Struts.  Here's a quick summary of some things on my mind:

* Part of the ecology of a successful open source project
  is staying up with the times, offerring new things to your
  existing customers.  After all, there are many thousands of
  Struts based applications aready in existence -- and nobody
  is going to rewrite them all in the next couple of days, or even
  the next couple of years.  Therefore, Struts needs to continue
  to support its existing features and functions, and add new ones.

* Particular areas of future growth I'm interested in (other developers
  have their own thoughts as well):

  - Enable existing Struts-based applications to utilize new view
    technologies (like JavaServer Faces) with zero changes to their
    back-end business logic (isn't that one of the things we all like
    about MVC type designs? :-).

  - Make Struts equally useful in both a servlet and portlet (JSR-168)

  - Refactor the insides of Struts so that the basic principles of
    "separation of concerns" can be used for "scripting" your back end
    business logic, interacting with XML data sources and outputs,
    and so on.

If we were just going to stay where we are, I'd be worried about the 
future of Struts (although, even if all development stopped tomorrow, 
there's too many people using it today for such a vacuum to exist for 
very long -- someone else would take up the gauntlet).

Sadly, I don't have time at the moment to comment further ... maybe 
later, after putting in some "day job" hours :-).


>I dont really see what the fuss about 'protecting investment' is - its not
>like struts is rocket science to work with and unlike commercial products
>you've always got the source to look at if the docs arent clear enough! If
>the product your maintaining uses struts its still going to be a hell of a
>lot easier to maintain than one that went with a model 1 approach. After
>all, when struts was created there simply wasnt a suitable webapp framework
>standard to plug the gap between the low level servlet api stuff and higher
>level application oriented patterns, and if we extrapolate from this to
>other new areas where opensource is paving the way, are we to say that
>managers shouldnt use such opensource initiatives because they dont comply
>to standards that have yet to be drafted? What then? Homebrew frameworks? -
>if its early in the technology these may be the best way of meeting your
>needs while opensource efforts mature - but usually thats not the case.
>Ignore the new area till someone comes up with a standard framework? Not
>really an option given commericial pressures.
>At the end of the day its a case of going with whatever framework is
>available and choosing the one that will cost you the least and give you
>most mileage. In hindsight for J2EE webapps that would be struts, and even
>right this second it would still be struts. JSF isnt ready for general use
>yet - so unless you want to delay your project till it is what are you
>to do?
>The answer of course is to choose a framework that will give you the
>upgrade path as new standards come along. A framework that quickly moves to
>support standards as they emerge.
>In the webapp arena this is of course struts - and in the past the upgrade
>path has always been there - for jstl there were both the struts-el library
>and of course the fact the jstl and struts play very nice with each other.
>With JSF I believe that whats been done to integrate struts and JSF will
>provide a good path. The next (or soon after) version of struts will I
>gather also play nice with the portlet spec, etc...
>Basically what the article is saying is that these are the issues that
>managers need to consider carefully. Its certainly not saying dont go with
>struts/opensource, but rather saying that one day they may be obsolete -
>its  not like theres a real alternative - so pick the one that looks like
>its going to cost you the least in the long term!
>To quote:
>Am I suggesting shunning those open-source projects? Not at all. These are
>solutions you can deliver now, and the lack of support may happen in the
>future. I believe the value gained from using these open-source
>outweighs the risk.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, 1 October 2003 22:09
>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>Subject: Editorial on Struts' Long Term Future
>You may find this editorial on J2EE/JSF/Struts interesting.
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