Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Doug wrote:

We've written a couple of custom PlugIns to enable us to execute some startup and shutdown logic for our application. However, under WebSphere 3.5, the destroy() method is never being called. Neither when I stop the Application Server (JVM) nor when I restart the Web Application.

Any ideas? Restarting the Web Application does cause the init() method to be called, so we're re-allocating resources when we've never cleaned up the existing ones.

The destroy() method of plugins is called when the destroy() method of ActionServlet is called. Do the container logs indicate that this was done? If not, it sounds like the container might not be obeying the servlet spec requirement to call destroy() when taking an app out of service.


Thanks for the quick reply. I do see now that destroy() is being called at times - just not nearly as frequently as init() is being called. So I bet you're right about the container. We're shortly going to be upgrading to a newer version of WebSphere, so I might be able to live with the problem until then.


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