
I am working on my first Struts application and I've run into a problem with reading bean properties with the taglibs. I am using the NetBeans IDE w/j2sdk 1.4.2 and Struts 1.1.

OK, this is what I see in my browser:

[ServletException in:/tiles/timesheet_viewer.jsp] No getter method for property date of bean day'

Here is a chunk of the log file for the Tomcat container:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property date of bean day
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(RequestUtils.java:968)
at org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag.doStartTag(WriteTag.java:286)
at org.apache.jsp.timesheet_0005fviewer$jsp._jspService(timesheet_0005fviewer$jsp.java:128)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107)

I've checked the struts-user archives for "no getter method" and a lot of those threads were caused by problems with property names and their corresponding accessors. I've double-checked my beans and that doesn't seem to be the problem. My getter/setters use the same datatype, I reference "date" in the tag and my getter is "getDate()", I haven't overridden my accessor methods or provided multiple accessors with different signatures....

My next step will be to take a look at RequestUtils.java:968 to see if that provides me with a clue as to what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for your help.


Here is the chunk from the JSP that is using the logic and bean taglibs. "week1" is a WeekBean that holds 7 DayBeans. Each DayBean then has some properties that I would like to display:

<logic:iterate name="week1" id="day">
        <td><bean:write name="day" property="date"/></td>

Note that this works fine, the toString() method of the DayBean is called and returns the classname:

<logic:iterate name="week1" id="day">
        <td><bean:write name="day"/></td>

Next we've got my beans, I've removed some comments and cruft to make this not manageble:

public class DatedTimesheetBean extends Vector {

    /** A string to be used when this bean is displayed. */
    private String date = "";

/** The total elapsed time (in seconds) of all of the items in this bean. */
private int elapsedSeconds = 0;

    public DatedTimesheetBean() {

    public DatedTimesheetBean(int size) {

    public String getDate() {
        return date;

    public void setDate(String d) {
        date = d;

    public int getElapsedSeconds() {
        return elapsedSeconds;

    public void setElapsedSeconds(int s) {
        elapsedSeconds = s;

    public void addElapsedSeconds(int s) {
        elapsedSeconds += s;

     * Take the elapsed time value (in seconds) and format it
     * for display as HH:MM.
     * @return A String in HH:MM format.
    public String getElapsedTime() {


        return sb.toString();

public class WeekBean extends DatedTimesheetBean {

private static final int SLOTS = 7;

    /** Creates a new instance of WeekBean */
    public WeekBean() {
        for (int i = 0; i < SLOTS; i++) {
            set(i, new java.util.Vector());

    public void addDay(DayBean day) {
        set(day.getDow(), day);

public class DayBean extends DatedTimesheetBean {

private static final int SLOTS = 8;

/** The day of the week represented by this DayBean. 0=Sunday, 6=Saturday */
private int dow = 0;

    /** Keeps track of the number of slots we have available for events. */
    private int slotCounter = 0;

    /** Creates a new instance of DayBean */
    public DayBean() {

        for (int i = 0; i < SLOTS; i++) {
            set(i, "00:00");

    /** Set the day-of-week value for this bean. */
    public void setDow(int i) {
        dow = i;

    public int getDow() {
        return dow;

    public String toString() {
        return this.getClass().toString();

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