--- "Fenderbosch, Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I finally got it to work like this:
> <fmt:message key="message.benefits">
>   <fmt:param><bean:message key="href.shippingToolkit"/></fmt:param>
> </fmt:message>

Why are you using <bean:message> and <fmt:message>?  Wouldn't this work:

<fmt:message key="message.benefits">
   <fmt:param><fmt:message key="href.shippingToolkit"/></fmt:param>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fenderbosch, Eric 
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 12:05
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: ugly ugly ugly
> I'm not getting the parameter substitution to work correctly.
> Resource:
> message.benefits=The FedEx Custom Critical&nbsp;<a href="{0}">Shipping
> Toolkit</a>&nbsp;enables you to:
> I've tried two different methods to perform the substitution.
> <fmt:message key="message.benefits">
>   <fmt:param value="<bean:message key="href.shippingToolkit"/>"/>
> </fmt:message>
> and
> <bean:define name="stLink" scope="page">
>   <bean:message key="href.shippingToolkit"/>
> </bean:define>
> <fmt:message key="message.benefits">
>   <fmt:param value="stLink"/>
> </fmt:message>
> But both end up creating a URL like:
> https://localhost:7002/track/tiles/{0}
> If I hard code it like this
> <fmt:message key="message.benefits">
>   <fmt:param value="/us/shipping/default.shtml"/>
> </fmt:message>
> it works fine, so I know the param substitution itself is working, just
> not the substitution from the resource file.
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