Dear Diwali Friend,

My letter might come to you as a surprise but I request you go through it
patiently and understand why I decided to write without seeking for your
formal permission. My name is Prince Zak Tubman; I am a grand son of former
President William Tubman (late). I work under the Former President of
Liberia - Mr Charles Taylor as an under secretary.

I am writing this letter in the spirit of Diwali to you because of where we
have found ourselves. You should remember that the government of Liberia
under President Charles Taylor has been having problems with the United
Nations. few weeks ago, Mr Taylor and some members of his cabinet were
indicted in the War crime tribunal in Sierra Leone. As if that is not
enough, the bank account of Mr Taylor and some members of his cabinet have
been frozen in Switzerland.
The asset of Liberian President incorporated with legal aid application by
the UN WAR CRIME TRIBUNAL in Sierra Leone amount to 2.37billion Swiss francs
or 1.54 billion euros. The tribunal indicted Taylor of financial and
military sponsor of two rebel groups in Sierra Leone while receiving raw
diamonds, which he sold and invested the profit in several countries
including Switzerland. Right now, because of this, indictment is hanging on
the neck of Mr. Taylor and some other government officials.

It is difficult for the innocent officials to operate bank accounts and
invest in any business. So I want to solicit for your help as a foreign
partner to move our funds in The Netherlands. I need your help because of
this stigma that has been placed on my senior colleagues.
Also I am soliciting for your help because I do not know when this whole
investigation will be over. What we have collectively in The Netherlands is
$18 Million united state dollars. If you can successfully help us to move
all to safety, into your account, we promise to give you 15% and any
investment we make, with the remaining amount, we shall allocate 10% to you
and I have set aside 5% of the total amount for any expenses incurred during
the process of this transaction.

This transaction is risk free because this is not drug money and we have
documents to prove it. Please treat this request with the utmost secrecy it
deserves even if you are not willing to help. Let me have your private
telephone, fax and address so that I can be able to contact you to discuss
the modalities of this transaction.

Thanks and Happy Diwali!

Prince Zak Tubman

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