I am also in trouble.  My problem is sort of related
to yours although not directly relevant.  I am also
looking for org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

I am trying to modify Ted Husted's artimus_1_1 example
-  I want to add one more property to his articleForm.

To submit an article in the artimus_1_1 example, his
form.jsp in the /article/content folder asks for
title, author, and article.  I inserted one more text

<TD class="label" nowrap>Journal Category:</TD>
<TD class="input">
<html:text property="journal_category" size="30"

to indicate the academic field of the article.  I got
the error message:

ServletException in: /article/content/form.jsp
No getter method for property journal_category of bean

Really wish someone could help me out.

--- lover birds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did not get single reply, so thought of posting
> this mail again.
> I hope I am making some sense by asking this
> question.Please guide me ASAP as I am newbie and
> stuck very badly
> lover birds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am getting this error.
> "Cannot find bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
> in any scope"
> I am trying something as follows:
> input="/pages/count/List.jsp" path="/New"
> scope="request"/>
> content of List.jsp is
> New.jsp is absolutely blank:
> Click on the New image of the List JSP gives me this
> error.
> I would appreciate help in this regard.
> I would like to know the best way to forward to a
> specific page on an image click.
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