Cool.. I didn't even know there was a BeanComparator.. Never needed it I
As for the sorting though it might be easier to use displayTag
I havent used it yet myself but I hear great things about it.

As for the searching.. If you have an EJB in the backend you can create a
finder by firstname/lastname/fullname or whatever you want to search on.
Then just have your action call the appropriate EJB finder based on the
fields provided to search on.
You don't really need a hashtable for it that way.
If you want to go the hashtable approach (if you cant use Ejbs or some other
reason) note that you will have to provide a hashtable keyed by every value
you want to search on.. That could become quite resource intensive and not
really recommended.
Instead just have a simple method.

//might be better as a bean property/value array implemented with
reflections/beanutils if you don't know how many fields will need to  be
private MyResultBean search(String firstname. String lastname, Integer age)
        MyResultBean resultBean = null;
        if( firstname != null )
                //search collection via firstname
        if( lastname!= null )
                //search collection via lastname
        if( age != null )
                //search collection via age

        return resultBean;

Obviously there are many different possible approaches as other people on
this list might suggest.
But hopefully this gives you some direction.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Lea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 11:04 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: sorting and searching in Struts/tiles

I have included a quick example of doing this by using a list of 
hashmaps.  The hashmap holds the text that may appear in the pulldown.

list = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator i = myObjects.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    Map map=new HashMap();
    map.put("fullName","Joe Smith");

to sort the list we use can do this:

    Collections.sort(list, new BeanComparator("lastName"));

(this uses the BeanComparator from here

This will sort ascending by default, so to get decending I can do this 


Dinh Nguyen wrote:

>Hi Tim,
>In this case, I have to display the sorted list (ascending and 
>descending) for names, etc.  How do I do this?  How can I pull the 
>objects from the back-end.  
>I am thinking to use collections.sort(list, comparator)as you 
>mentioned or use sortedset and using arraylist (or hashset) to hold 
>For searching, I am thinking to use hashtable, but have no idea 
>what's the next step.  
>I use the EJB as back-end and has not implemented it yet. 
>If you can give me feedback on this or give me some kinds of ideas, 
>then it'll be great. 
>Thanks for your help.
>Dinh Nguyen  
>--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Chen, Gin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm not sure I understand this question but wouldn't you just 
>implement some
>>Then based on the sort option selected you can call something like:
>>Collections.sort(list, comparator)?
>>As for the search just have a java module to search thru the 
>>I'm not quite sure how what this question really has to do with 
>>Unless you use something like the displaytags to display a 
>sortable list for
>>the names.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 1:26 PM
>>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>>Subject: sorting and searching in Struts/tiles
>>[Forwarded from Dinh Nguyen, his emails aren't reaching the list]
>>Dinh Nguyen wrote:
>>I am wondering how do you do the sorting and searching in struts.
>>Let say, when a person views a list of collections (for example, 
>>list consists of 5 people, each person has first name, last name,
>>age), there is a drop-down menu on the bottom of the table/page 
>>1) Sort has two options: a) Ascending b) Descending
>>2) Search has three options a) Last Name b) First Name c) Age
>>Since data is not stored in database yet.
>>so in this case how can I do it using Struts?
>>Thanks for your help.
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Jason Lea

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