I just downloaded v1.1 and have things working..... some-what.
I have two simple action mappings that redirect to a jsp....these are working.
I'm trying to create an action mapping that refers to a action class and sends the 
user to the specified jsp.
Currently there is no logic in the action class, right now I just want to map out the 
flow of the site and then add content later. When I test the link from the web page 
all that is returned is a blank page..... the System.out.println()'s aren't writing 
anything to the console either.....
This is the action class in question and the reference from the struts-config.xml file
public final class MessageAction extends Action implements ActionConstants {
  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                               HttpServletRequest req,
                               HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("here 1");
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    // do something
    // forward control to the specified success URI
    System.out.println("here 2");
<action path="/ReadMessage" 

<forward name="read_message" path="/message/read_message.jsp" />


any suggestions?

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