Hi Ranjat,

Take a look at the mail archive.  There are at least two threads that I
have posted to that discuss indexed properties.  I think that you'll find
just about everything you need in those threads.  There is info about (1)
building your page with indexed properties and (2) getting the indexed data
back into the form.

http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&by=thread&from=471600

http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&by=thread&from=216908

Take a look at these threads.  If you can't find what you need there,
please repost.

                      "Rajat Pandit"                                                   
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
                      upinc.com>               cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Index properties (once again) 
                      10/27/2003 12:38                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Struts Users                                                    
                      Mailing List"                                                    

Hello sorry for posting the same question again and again. But I seem to
have gained something on this. Now I have a few (more) questions. Maybe
someone could help me figure out what or where I am getting it wrong.

This is the case. I have a product, with different states(checbox) and
each state has to have a bidAmount (text area) and a transaction
type(radio button). I want the form to be generated such that for

a. I can check If the checkbox(for the state) has been checked the
bidAmount and transaction type has been selected.

Now my question is,
a. in the action form. Do I need to defind the bidAmount as an array
b. I didn't know about this until know, but are only String type allowed
in actionform ( ihavent read about this anywhere except on one of the
posts in this mailing list)
c. I have set the setter and getter for (lets take the example of
bidAmount only) like this.

    public String getBidAmount(int index) {
            String tmp = new String();
            System.err.println("Value of index: " + index);
            try {
                tmp = bidAmount[index];
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
        return tmp;


    public void setBidAmount(int index, String value) {
        System.err.println("index: " + index);
        System.err.println("Value: " + value);
        this.bidAmount[index] = value;

And the corresponding jsp tags as follows.

        <logic:iterate id="state" name="STATES" indexId="currIdx">

        <tr bgcolor="#F8F8F8">
          <td align="left" valign="top">
            <html:multibox property="stateId" styleClass="flat">
<bean:write name="state" property="id" />
            </html:multibox> <bean:write name="state" property="name" />
          <td >
                <html:text name="bidForm"
property='<%="bidAmount["+currIdx+"]"%>'  styleClass="flat" size="3"  />

          <td align="center">
            BC <html:radio name="bidForm" property="mode" value="2"
titleKey="app.bcall"  indexed="true" styleClass="flat" />
            | SC <html:radio name="bidForm" property="mode" value="1"
titleKey="app.scall"  indexed="true"  styleClass="flat" />

          <td align="right">
            <bean:write name="state" property="buyingCall" ignore="true"
          <td align="right">
            <bean:write name="state" property="sellingCall"
ignore="true" />


I know the the inline scriptlet is very ugly, but this was the only way
I could get it to call the index number in the getter method. However
the desperate attempt (try and catch) makes the form work (not much use)
I cant get the the setter to set the values in the individual array, and
get a stack trace error instead.

I am not really sure where Is wrong and non or the documentataion define
things very clearly (or maybe I am poor in comprehension)
Apologies again to people who think I am bothering them by posting again
and again, but this is my last hope!!

Hope someone helps!
(ps: once I am through with this, I shall write my own HOW TO for the
indexed properties and its use)

Rajat Pandit | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+91 612 3117606
[ Developer and Part Time Human Being]

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