I would like to put in the ActionErrors object regular errors that may happen and also 
an exception without loosing the previously stored errors.

These are the steps I am taking and the results I am getting:

1. Errors occur so I add them to the ActionErrors with the GLOBAL_ERROR property:

ActionErrors myActionErrors = new ActionErrors();

myActionErrors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("test.error"));
myActionErrors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("test.error2"));
saveErrors(request, myActionErrors);    

2. An exception is thrown:

catch(Exception e)
  throw new TestException("this was a test Exception",e);

3. The exception is handle by the ExceptionHandler defined in the config file:

<!-- Test Exception Handdler -->
<action path="/test"
  path="/testExceptionError.jsp" />
  <forward name="success" path="/testExceptionNoError.jsp" />  

4. When I try to output the information in the JSP using the errors tag only
information about the exception is diplayed. test.error and test.error2 seems as if 
they were gone.

<html:errors />

How can I keep both, errors and the exception in hte ActionErrors object, or 
how can I access them if they are there already?

Also I would like to find out under which property is the exception information kept 
in the ActionErrors because when I try to output

<html:errors property="<%=ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR%>" />

the exception information is not shown, so it must be under some other property.


Jorge Luis

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