Thanks for your response.  So, given that I can't simply persist the form bean -- is 
there a way that I can pass the information to each frame?  We can't use a session 
bean because we need to have the ability to have multiple framesets up at the same 
time -- each with different information in the form bean. 

Thanks again,


> <snip>
> when the framed pages load, they do not have access to the form bean.
> </snip>
> The issue here is that for each frame the browser will send a seperate
> independent request to the server - its NOT the same request!
> You will therefore need to consider other ways of providing the frames with
> the information they need. Maybe use a session scoped form and forward
> through an action such that each frames jsp ends up with the same instance?
> (be aware that each frame is also processed by its own thread serverside so
> you may need to consider synchronization issues and suchlike).
> btw: Depending what it is you are doing maybe frames arent really what you
> want? For example if your just using them to get a 'templating' effect you
> might be better off using single pages and doing that templating using
> Tiles?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Steimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2003 06:00
> Subject: Frames and IFrames in Stuts
> Hi,
> I am a relative newbie with struts and I am trying to utilize both frames
> and IFrames from within a struts web application.   The application we are
> building has a form that submits to a jsp page that conatains a frameset.  I
> am using the html:frame tag in the frameset, but when the framed pages load,
> they do not have access to the form bean.  For the forward attribute of the
> frame, I have tried using both an action and a global forward, but neither
> works.  Am I missing something?  All I need to to is get the framed pages to
> read from the form bean that was submitted to the frameset jsp.
> Here is the source of the frameset JSP (excluding taglib declarations):
> <frameset name="testFrameset" cols="50%,*">
>     <html:frame frameName="frameLeft" forward="testFrameLeft" />
>     <html:frame frameName="frameRight" forward="testFrameRight" />
> </frameset>
> Here is the global forwards section of the struts-config.xml:
> <global-forwards>
>     <forward name="testFrameLeft" path="/testFrameLeft.jsp" />
>     <forward name="testFrameRight" path="/testFrameRight.jsp" />
> </global-forwards>
> Also, the application we are building also utilizes iframes.  I've searched
> the javadocs and a couple books, but I can't find a similar mechanism with
> struts.  Is there a way to get request scoped parameters into the source of
> an Iframe?
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> George
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