The problem here is that with 5 login forms.. How would you know or even
care which of the 5 was used to submit?
Is it processed differently if I pick m of n versus x of n?
In any case sounds like what you really want is the same form and the same

I might have a bean such that it only contains one parameter.
(don't mind syntax as stupid outlook keeps trying to apply spelling and
grammer rules which I don't want to turn off cause I'm the worst

        <form-bean name="loginForm"
                <form-property name="formIteration"

This bean is mapped to the same action. (ex. /loginAction)

Then for my JSP :
            //remember n is simulated ie. don't put n in end (duh) :)
            <c:forEach var="loopCnt" begin="1" end="n">
                 <html:form action="/loginAction">
                  <html-el:hidden property="formIteration"
                  <html:submit property="userAction">
                             <bean:message key="button.login"/>

Now your action is pretty simple.
Based on the formIteration value you know which of the n forms was used to
Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sonam Belbase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 6:37 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: please help: ActionForms of same type but different name?

There is no knowing until runtime how many iterations there are going to be.
That's why we can't define the n number of LoginForms.

The requirement is that on the same jsp, we will have repeating
<html:form></html:form> sections. User will specify at runtime
how many he/she wants. The <html:forms> will all be of the same
type. Restriction is that only one can be submitted at a time, i.e. user
might have specified 5 Login sections of the page, and therefore is shown 5
login sections,  but can only "save" one at a time.

The "save" action needs to know which form to retrieve the values
"username" and password" from.


"Chen, Gin" wrote:

> One approach, you can define as many form-beans as you want iteratations.
> Ex:
> <form-bean name="LoginForm_1"
>   type="">
> </form-bean>
> <form-bean name="LoginForm_2"
>   type="">
> </form-bean>
> .
> .
> .
> <form-bean name="LoginForm_n"
>   type="">
> </form-bean>
> You can also just use a single form bean for all your actions.. If they
> the same class then they are the same formbean anyways.
> So just use the same name for all of them (well not html:form name in
> 1.1+ but rather use name in action definition).
> Or If you explain your requirements a bit more we could come up with a
> better solution/explanation.
> -Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sonam Belbase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 6:16 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: please help: ActionForms of same type but different name?
> Given the following code in my jsp:
> <logic:iterate id="element" name="dynamicFormList"
> type="java.lang.String" >
> <html:form  action="/login" name="<%=element%>"
> type="">
>   User Name:
>   <html:text property="userName" size="20" maxlength="50"/>
>   Password:
>   <html:text property="password" size="20" maxlength="50"/>
>   <html:hidden property="identifier" value="<%= element %>" />
>   <html:submit property="" value="OK" />
> </html:form>
> </logic:iterate>
> element has the value "LoginForm_1" in the first iteratation,
> "LoginForm_2" in the second iteration, and so on.
> In struts-config:
> <form-bean name="LoginForm"
>   type="">
> </form-bean>
> LoginForm extends ActionForm.
> I understand that the attributes "name" and "type" have been deprecated
> but I am trying to get the iteration to create and display a new
> instance of the LoginForm, each with it's own name and properties. After
> submit, the request processor seems to look for a formbean associated
> with the action (in this case, a formbean called "LoginForm") and not a
> formbean with name "LoginForm_1" and therefore in the action the form
> property values are all null.
> Anyone know how I can get it to look for the formBean with the unique
> name that was specified by the variable element?
> Thanks,
> SB
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