Are you using the struts html:img tag?! Otherwise, if you only have <img src="images/logo.jpg"> in your JSP, then the HTML that is output won't be anything other than <img src="images/logo.jpg"> - Struts/Tomcat/or any other container/framework passes through any non-JSP tags like HTML "as is".

Send the exact HTML that is in your JSP and the exact HTML that is output when you load the page in a browser. Include the exact URI that you use to load the page, too.

javen fang wrote:

but if in left.jsp include struts tags, or it mapping

from struts action, then relative uri will fail, and

"absolute" uri is required:
<img src="/asales/pages/images/logo.jpg"/>

If in this condition, I do like this: <img src="images/logo.jsp"/>

then html is :     "http:/localhost/images/logo.jsp"
so I think "asales/pages/" is required.

--- "Ruth, Brice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If relative URIs work or don't work is dependent on
the HTML being produced, more than anything else, since its the
browser that then has to request the correct image from the server.

What is the HTML being produced in the cases where
you don't see it working?

javen fang wrote:

Hi, all. I am fajaven from


in China.

I wonder it seems like Struts cannot support



In tomcat 5.0 , my webapp looks like:

Two files are:

Normally, in left.jsp, I use logo.jpg, like this:
<img src="images/logo.jpg"/>

but if in left.jsp include struts tags, or it

from struts action, then relative uri will fail,

"absolute" uri is required:
<img src="/asales/pages/images/logo.jpg"/>

You know, relative uri cannot be used is not
convinient very much.

How can I solve this question?


javen fang from matrix

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