Is the name of your form correct?  Your iterate tag had "empForm", but you
state that your form is called "EmpForm".

Other thought:  Have you declared the logic taglib in your jsp?


                      Jeyachandran"            To:       "Struts Users Mailing List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                                    
                      com>                     Subject:  a problem with the 
<logic:iterate>.. help needed                              
                      10/29/2003 07:38                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Struts Users                                                    
                      Mailing List"                                                    

Good day ,
In my jsp page I have these...
<logic:iterate id="empRecord" name="empForm" property="employeeList" scope
 <td> <bean:write name="empRecord" property="empName" /> </td>
 <td> <bean:write name="empRecord" property="empId" /> </td>
 <td> <bean:write name="empRecord" property="department" /> </td>
 <td> <bean:write name="empRecord" property="salary" /> </td>

also I have a ActionFORM Named "EmpForm" and method like

" public Vector getEmployeeList() " which returns a vector containing
objects of the class "Record"

public class Record
    private String _empName ;
    private String _empId ;
    private String _department;
    private String _keyValue;
    private int _salary ;

    // and also  ... appropriate setter and getter methods
    public void setEmpName( String name ) { }
    getEmpName() , setEmpId() , getEmpId() etc....

I have to print the values of these records in my jsp Page..

but I get an error message like..
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean empRecord in any scope

can anyone help me with this


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