If you are on Linux/Unix I really think Postgresql is the way to go. It's
easy to install and manage and supposedly will scale as well as just about
any db on the market. MySQL is a little easier to install in Windows,
cause w/Postgresql you'll need to install CygWin first.

Keep in mind that the default install for Postgresql using resources is
very, very conservative. So, you have to change a couple of values in the 
config file and that's it.

I like using PgAccess, when I want to view/edit the database with a GUI.

I have Postgres/PgAccess install instructions on my site:

In my opinion, if you can afford Oracle and are a full-time Oracle admin,
or you have a full-time Oracle admin working for you, then you may want to
go with Oracle :)

If you're in a DIY (Do it Yourself) situation, then I highly recommend 


On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, David Friedman wrote:

> This article seems very old.  A significant portion
> of what they talk about was fixed in the Version 4.0
> of MySQL which has got to be at least 9 months old
> or so.
> Regards,
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vic Cekvenich
> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 12:17 PM
> Subject: was Re: Struts and db access: OT: pgSQL
> oh and another link
> http://det-dbalice.if.pw.edu.pl/det-dbalice/ttraczyk/db_compare/db_compare.h
> tml
> Mark Lowe wrote:
> > I didn't know the postgres was faster than oracle.. I agree that its the
> > canine's genitalia .. But I still thought oracle was the daddy when it
> > came to speed. Is that just read access or everything?
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, October 29, 2003, at 02:52 PM, Vic Cekvenich wrote:
> >
> >> This might confuse you more than help... but it is meant to be helpful.
> >> Look at iBatis.com PetStore 3.
> >>
> >> I use a iBatis DB layer as DAO to pgSQL for a DAO layer.
> >>
> >> And NO Struts does not specify or endorse a certain way to access
> >> data. A formBean maps to a (JSP/HTML) form, and is data agnostic. This
> >> way people can chose.
> >>
> >> (pgSQL rocks!!! Free run time on windows and unix, stored procedure
> >> support, ANSI SQL, faster than Oracle/MS SQL)
> >>
> >> .V
> >>
> >> Steffen Gransow wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I am totally new to J2EE/EJB and Struts - so perhaps this is the wrong
> >>> place to ask. In this case I would like to know where I should ask my
> >>> question or what I should've read before again asking silly questions.
> >>> :-)
> >>> I have to use a Sun One Application Server and a PostGreSQL database for
> >>> a project. And I am sure that I want to use Struts because of the whole
> >>> MVC thing. I would like to know how I should access data in a
> >>> appropriate way. I think I want to use CMP and I am wondering where or
> >>> how I should address the database. Do I have to create a JDBC ressource
> >>> on the Sun One Application Server or do I have to define a datasource
> >>> using Struts DataSource manager?
> >>> I thought of something like:
> >>>           ------ Controller ------------ Actions
> >>>           |    (ActionServlet)              |
> >>>           |          |                      |
> >>> Client ----          |                      |
> >>>           |          |                      |
> >>>           |          |                      |
> >>>           ------ View (JSPs) - - - - - - Model (Beans) ------ PostGreSQL
> >>> DB
> >>> And on the Model part of this simple ascii art I think it would be nice
> >>> to have something like:
> >>> Action ---
> >>>          |
> >>>          --- business logic bean ---
> >>>               (use a facade?)      |
> >>>                                    --- data representaion (entity beans)
> >>> Is this approach okay? Back to my question stated above: How do I get
> >>> the entity  beans "connected" to the database? Is struts independent of
> >>> this question? Should I try to do this by reading Sun's AppServer
> >>> documentation? ;)
> >>> Thanks in regards,
> >>> Steffen Gransow
> >>> ----------------
> >>> newbie questioner
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Victor Cekvenich,
> >> Struts Instructor
> >> (215) 321-9146
> >>
> >> Advanced Struts Training
> >> <http://basebeans.com/do/cmsPg?content=TRAINING> Server Side Java
> >> training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
> >> in North East.
> >> Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
> >> Shopping and Credit processing, <http://basicportal.com> software, ready
> >> to develop/customize; requires a db to run.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >>
> --
> Victor Cekvenich,
> Struts Instructor
> (215) 321-9146
> Advanced Struts Training
> <http://basebeans.com/do/cmsPg?content=TRAINING> Server Side Java
> training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
> in North East.
> Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
> Shopping and Credit processing, <http://basicportal.com> software, ready
> to develop/customize; requires a db to run.
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