You describe exactly the problem I am having, as well. 
I started on this yesterday and tried a few things to try to help me 
understand how it should work. One idea I have had but not yet had time to 
test (hopefully today if me other production problems go away!), is 
passing the "selectedBody" back into the session from the Action that is 
invoked and just re-invoking the jsp that inserts the tabs page. Of 
course, this could be totally inefficient or downright wrong. But it's the 
only clue I have right now of how to make it work.

Post it if you make any progress and I'll do likewise and we'll hope in 
the meantime Cedric or some other real tiles authority can shed light on 
how to do it.

Later, Joe

"Lim Huat Heng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/30/2003 02:16 AM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Tiles, Tabs, Actions

   I would like to know how to develop application wth Tiles, Tabs and
   I have three JSPs that I have done with Struts and the action and
forwarding works well. Now I created another JSP with tabs, in which each
tab display the 3 JSPs respectively. When I submit, the result is 
on a new screen rather on the tab, so how can I forward the result to be
displayed on the same tab?
   Do you refer to any reference to perform this task? Please 

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 1:48 AM
Subject: Tiles, Tabs, Actions

> I have an application that I have tried to wind into a tabbed display
> using the Tab Example from Cedric DuMoulin's site. The application is
> already a Struts/Tiles application that works just fine. I would just 
> to embed the functions/screens in the tabs and make is work normally.
> Currently, there are two tabs, one for each function of the application.
> Each of these is an initialization Action that routes to display/process
> actions. These are defined in the tilesdefinition.xml like this:
>   <definition name=""  path="/tabOnlyLayout.jsp">
>      <put name="header" value="/Header.jsp"/>
>           <put name="title" value=""/>
>           <put name="actionname" value="" />
>           <put name="formbeanname" value=""/>
>           <put name="title"  value="Tiles 1.1 Tabs layout example" />
>           <put name="body"   value="timeEntryTabs.body" />
>       <put name="footer" value="/secure/footer.jsp"/>
>   </definition>
>  <definition name="timeEntryTabs.body"  path="/tabsLayout.jsp">
>         <put name="selectedIndex"  value="0" />
>         <put name="parameterName"  value="selected" />
>     <putList name="tabList" >
>       <item value="Time Entry"  link="/"
>                 classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem"
> />
>       <item value="Reports"     link="/"
>  classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem" />
>     </putList>
>   </definition>
> Further down in the tilesdefinition.xml I have the individual 
> for these. The actual's have their inputs set to the 
> in the tilesdefinition.xml like this (TimeSheetStatus is unconditionally
> forwarded to by
> <action path="/TimeSheetStatus"
> type="mizuho.mtts.struts.actions.TimeSheetStatusAction"
>       name="TimeSheetStatusBean" input="statusDef"
>          scope="session">
>       <forward name="timesheetstatusform" path="statusDef"/>
> On the first invocation, everything is right. The application's two
> functions ( and display ok and you
> can tab between them. However, the minute you perform any kind of action
> (submit a form action or click a link) the "tabbed" version is gone and
> the plain application is displayed.
> I kind of understand why this would be, but I can't think of how it 
> to be fixed so it works. Do you need to define and put all bean 
> in the tilesdefinition? How do the actions know to use the right layout?
> I tried to understand how the example application made this work, but 
> version that I downloaded doesn't seem to work either. There are no 
> "actions" in any of the tabbed applications that work.
> I apologize if this is not clear. I didn't want to be too verbose or 
> too much code into this first mail, in case it's just something real
> obvious and simple and everyone in the world out there has done it
> already.
> Thanks much IA.
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