I have one sidebar layout that is used by every sidebar.  I have another
sidebar layout that references the first one, excerpt below.  This second
layout is used by a series of pages that I would like to have the same
layout format.

Anyway, this is what I'd like to do, but the iterate tags are not getting
parsed, just passed through when rendered.  Any ideas?

<tile:importAttribute />

<tile:insert definition="application.layout.sidebar" flush="true">
    <tile:putList name="Browse">
        <logic:iterate id="by" name="${ browse }">
            <tile:add content="<A HREF='${
pageContext.request.contextPath }/${ root }/browse/by_${ by }'>By ${
application:capitalize( by ) }</A>" direct="true" />

                <logic:iterate id="by" name="[name, state, drainage]">


                                <A HREF='/application/destinations/browse/by_'>By </A>


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