
I have a ProcessBeanBase subclass that is my business object.
I implemented a JUnit test to see why I was getting the final Response  "Cannot create 
iterator for this collection' in my browser screen, 
and I always fall in that ClassCastException. 
Need help to understand why. Tks!
Here is my business object, that extends "Empresa" that extends ProcessBeanBase :

public class BuscaEmpresasComProjeto extends Empresa{
 public final String LEGENDA = "Empresas com Projetos.";
 public Object execute(Object parametros) throws Exception{
  ResultList list = new ResultListBase( 
TatilFacade.getInstance().getEmpresasComProjeto(this) );
  return new ProcessResultBase(list);


Here is the test:

 * Test for Object execute(Object)
final public void testExecuteObject() {
  * Subclass of ProcessBeanBase.
  * Implements execute(Object) method;
 BuscaEmpresasComProjeto busca = new BuscaEmpresasComProjeto();
 ArrayList c = null;
 try {
  c = (ArrayList) busca.execute(null);
 catch (ClassCastException ex){
  Assert.fail("Nao conseguiu fazer o cast de Object para ArrayList, vinda de 
BuscaEmpresasComProjeto.execute() ");
 catch (Exception e) {
 Assert.assertTrue( c.size() > 0);
 Iterator i = c.iterator();


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