
Monday, November 17, 2003, 4:14:08 PM, Arne wrote:
WS>> No exclusions that I'm aware of-- it's not a regular expression, either.
WS>> Is that at typo, did you mean *.jsp?  And what's the leading slash for?
WS>> With that slash, I think /*.jps is exactly the same as /*, it stops
WS>> parsing when it gets that far.
You cannot use <url-pattern>*</url-pattern> in a filter mapping, it
has to be <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>. Tomcat dumps at this pattern
if I use it without a slash. And with a slash, it is parsing
subdirectories, as my images are in /images and haven't been loaded..


PS: sorry for double-sending (I'm not even sure if I did), but my
    mailer is quite buggy. :(

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