I've been fiddling around with Struts for a while now and am still a 
little puzzled as to whether JSPs should be getting their data from my 
DynaActionForm or from the session/request context.  For example, if my 
JSP contains:

<html:select property="selectedCustomer" size="5">
  <html:options collection="customers" property="id"/>
<html:text property="suburb" size="16" maxlength="18"/>

The way I have this working currently is by adding "customers" to the 
request context and by having "suburb" declared in my DynaActionForm.  I 
don't appear to have to declare "customers" in the form, but if I don't 
declare "suburb", I get an error... what is the difference?

P.S.  If it helps clarify things, the JSP I have displays a list of 
customers and some input fields.  The user can update the input fields, 
press submit and they see the same page (with the new details displayed 
in the list).  Many thanks.

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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