Sorry Matt...I wish I could help you on that one, but we haven't
implemented indexed properties with Dyna forms, just custom form classes.


                      "Matt Bathje"                                                    
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       "Struts Users Mailing List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
                      >                        cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Re: dynamically sized form    
                      11/20/2003 02:52                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Struts Users                                                    
                      Mailing List"                                                    

Hi again.

I guess I left out part of the explanation when I asked this question - I
already have it working with a form bean class as is described in the
message you indicate. I am trying to avoid having a class for each form by
using DynaActionForms (or better yet DynaValidatorForms). That is what I am
seeking an answer to. Is there a way to do a dynamically sized form using a
DynaForm, instead of a custom form bean class for each one.

Thanks again for any insights,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicholas L Mohler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: dynamically sized form

> Matt,
> Find the thread titled "Using a collection of Beans within an ActionForm"
> from yesterday.  It has the answer that you need.
> Nick

<snip my previous message>

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