Quoting Edgar P Dollin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I like struts managed db pools, however, the struts developers aren't too
> happy about the quality and the dependency on the commons-pooling library
> and are attempting to phase it out.

The existing connection pool in struts-legacy.jar (and the one in
commons-dbcp.jar nowdays) works fine.  However, there are several important
pros for using container managed connection pools:

* A connection pool implementation provided by your app server
  is likely to be optimized for better performance on that particular
  app server than a generic pool included with the app.

* A connection pool implementation provided by your app server
  is likely to be supported by the graphical admin tools of that
  app server, versus having to be hand configured in struts-config.xml.

* On some app servers, you can dynamically tweak the characteristics
  of the connection pool (such as how many active connections are allowed)
  without restarting the app.  That's not the case for a pool included
  inside the app, where you have to go tweak struts-config.xml and restart.

* A connection pool provided by your app server vendor is accessible
  (via JNDI) *anywhere* in your application, versus having to be passed
  in as a parameter to any method that needs it (or making your business
  logic dependent on the servlet API in order to access application scope

* In environments where you have two or three different deployment
  scenarios (say, "development", "test", and "production") you can
  deploy exactly the same WAR file in all three places, yet have each
  of them talk to the correct database simply by administering the
  server.  No tweaking of the struts-config.xml file to reflect which
  environment you are deploying to.

The only reason Struts ever included a connection pool in the first place is
that most standalone servlet containers at that time didn't support JNDI-based
pools.  Now, that is no longer an issue, and I would always recommend using the
container's facilities for that purpose.

> Edgar


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nathan Maves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:52 PM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Server manged vs. struts managed db pools
> > 
> > 
> > Are there any pro/con 's for either?
> > 
> > Nathan
> > 
> > 
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