1) Computing Machinery and Intelligence
2) Alan M. Turing
Bonus I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream


PS, never read any Turing, but now I understand his influence.  Still
haven't read an Ellison, my patience with Science Fiction left after 30
years of Trek.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 12:56 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: [FRIDAY] YA Stuts In Action / JUnit in Action Trivia Quiz
> Last time, we asked contestants to identify the cartoonist 
> responsible for this gem:
> ----
> Tour of Accounting:
> "Over here we have our random number generator."
> "Are you sure that's random?"
> "That's the problem with randomness: You can never be sure."
> ----
> The answer, of course, is: Scott Adams, born June 8, 1957, 
> who launched the Dilbert strip in 1989.
>  From the several correct responses, we arbitrarily selected
> as our winning contestant. (Becky, please send your surface 
> mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and indicate whether you 
> would like JUnit in Action or Struts in Action)
> ----
> In 1950, the journal MIND, a Quarterly Review of Psychology 
> and Philosophy, published a seminal paper regarding 
> artificial intelligence.
> 1 What was the title of the paper?
> 2 Who was the author of the paper?
> Any contestants correctly answering these two questions will 
> qualify for this week's drawing. As always, the correct 
> answers are the ones that I expect :)
> 3 The author of this paper used his initials for his first 
> and middle name. What Hugo-winning story by Harlan Ellison 
> regarding artificial intelligence features a protagonist 
> whose name are these same two initials?
> Any contestant correctly answering the bonus question will 
> also qualify, regardless. :) [I do love my Ellison!]
> ----
> The contest will run until Thursday, December 4, 2003, 
> 23:59:59, so everyone has a chance to participate.
> The lucky winner selected from the correct responses will 
> receive their choice of either a signed copy of Struts in 
> Action *OR* JUnit in Action.
> PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If you have an interesting science fiction or computer 
> science question that is hard, or at least fun, to google, 
> please send it to me. The first to suggest a question that we 
> use also wins!
> -Ted.
> PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Ted Husted,
>    Junit in Action  - <http://www.manning.com/massol/>,
>    Struts in Action - <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>,
>    JSP Site Design  - 
> <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=> 1861005512>.

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