What a good timing to see this post.  I was about to
do the same thing in the next day or two.

I have an ArrayList of JavaBean objects created from
accessing the database:

   return editors;

Obviously, each EditorBean object is the value of the
"user_name".  If I have this 
request.setAttribute( "EDITORS", editors );

How do I create a drop-down list?  Please comment the
way I tend to code:

<html:select property="editors" multiple="false">
  <bean:define id="EDITORS" name="??????"
  <html:options collection="EDITORS" property="?????" 

What should I do with those places I marked with the
question marks (?????)
--- Janice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just in case some other newbies are doing the same
> thing, this was my
> solution:
> <html:select property="projCodeName">
>   <bean:define id="codes" name="projectForm"
> property="projCodeNames"/>
>   <html:options collection="codes" property="name"
> labelProperty="name"/>
> </html:select>
> Its making a new bean on the .jsp page with my
> ArrayList that was in my form
> bean, and then I can easily get the values from it.
> (I can't wait until this stuff is all second nature!
>  I haven't even started
> doing anything difficult yet!)
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