Yes, you can have Struts populate a DynaActionForm
with a complex datatype. You need to use indexed
properties and put the form in Session scope.

Check out these articles by James Turner:


--- Jame Lathren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to use the DynaActionForm to populate
> a collection (an
> ArrayList of other objects, for example) in the
> object it represents?
> For example: An object (That is represented on a
> form by the
> DynaActionForm) that holds an arrayList of other
> objects; Values from each
> arrayList are available to be edited on the form,
> but can the
> DynaActionForm collect them and re-assemble them
> into the arrayList of the
> object it represents when the form is submitted?
> I've been successful populating text properties in
> an object represented by
> the DynaActionForm, but unsuccessful populating the
> other objects that are
> part of the arrayList of the main object.
> I am wondering if the DynaActionForm is a viable
> solution for these types
> of complex objects, or if I *must* use an ActionForm
> class that I design
> specifically for my needs.
> Any help would be appreciated -
> Toby

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