This is because you can't mix the value of an attribute of a custom tag with both string literal and run time expressions.
Instead of this:
<html:submit onclick="this.form.hiddenId.value='<%=(String) theCode %>'; " value="Edit" />
something like this should work:
<c_rt:set var="theCode" value="<%=(String) theCode %>"/>
<c:set var="theCode" value="this.form.hiddenId.value=${theCode}"/>
<htm-ell:submit onclick="${theCode}" value="Edit" />

however, based on your use case I would suggest making use of the property attribute of <html:submit. This way, a value will automically be submitted with the form based on which button you select.


Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Iterate and onClick problem for html:submit
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 16:45:53 +0100


I have a problem at the moment where I wish to set a hidden field on a form depending on which button a users selects. So my JSP loads with N number of possible rows in a table. Each row has a button (Edit) associated with it. When the user hits the Submit button I want a hidden field to be set so my Action class can read it from the form and act appropriately. The problem is that after defining my bean I cannot evaluate the property - the parameter I retrieve in my Action class is set to <%= (String) theCode %> and not the value I require!

Here is an extract of the code:

<logic:iterate id="item" scope="session" indexId="index" collection='<%=session.getAttribute("theList")%>'>
<TD class="body_text"><bean:write name="item" property="section"/>
<bean:define id="theCode" name="item" property="title"></bean:define>
<html:submit onclick="this.form.hiddenId.value='<%=(String) theCode %>'; " value="Edit" />

The problem is compounded by the fact that the page works using standard html as follows:

<input type=button onclick="this.form.hiddenId.value='<%= (String) theCode %>'; value="Edit" />

but I need to use Struts Html if my DynaValidatorActionForm is to work (I think!).

I have looked through the archives and although I have found people having similar problems I cannot get a solution. I have also tried all combinations of quotes and escaping quotes etc with no success.

I'd appreciate any help people could give.


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