an option will only be selected by default if the form property has been set to a value or there is a match in an available scope (like a parameter with the same name as the form property). Otherwise it will just do its thing.

I'd use a simple action without a formbean for something like a navigation menu

<form action="<c:url value="/" />" method="POST">
<select name="id" ...

String id = request.getParameter("id").toString();
get the values out of the parameter map as you would with a plain old servlet.

but nothing wrong with using an action form, especially for consistency.

Cheers Mark

On 24 Dec 2003, at 17:08, Brice Ruth wrote:

You could also do something like:


Which should give you something resembling no option being selected. Beware, unless you have validation of this field, it is perfectly valid for the browser to submit this ...

Wendy Smoak wrote:

-----Original Message-----
I use select with multiple=false and I don't set the parameter's
value. As result I get:
<form name="faqForm" method="post" action="/dp/">
       <select name="id" onchange="submit()">
       <option value="1">Test1</option>
       <option value="2">Test2</option>
So none of options has "selected" attribute, but first option is
selected on the page.

I think what you're trying to do is invalid HTML, and the browser is "fixing" it for you by selecting the first element. In a drop-down select list, there's really no such thing as having none of the items selected. Whichever one is "visible" is selected. If you need to have 'nothing' selected, how about a 'blank' element at the top: <option value="">--Please choose one--</option>

You may not be setting the value, but the form property exists, so it
DOES have a value-- null or the empty string, probably.

-- Brice D. Ruth Sr. IT Analyst Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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