I saved it and looked at it in a hex editor. It shows it is A0, in the Windows Character Map program that is No-Break Space and is U+00A0 I assume that means \u00a0 should work.

Ted Husted wrote:

That's definitely what we were looking for :)

Next question for the group: What's the best way to determine the unicode value for fr group separator character?

From this, I can't actually tell what character it's suppose to be. The browser substitutes another character. I tried saving the java file directly, but when I try to paste it over, something is lost in the translation (so to speak), and I end up with a question mark.


On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 09:35:04 +1300, Jason Lea wrote:

I don't know the official location.... but this stuff seems to be
located in  your jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar as class files

I found this link to some java source for these (java v1.1.7) here

This one:

",", /*decimal separator*/ " ", /*group (thousands) separator*/

where http://www.dei.unipd.it/corsi/fi2ae- docs/source/jdk1.1.7/src/java/text/resources/LocaleElements_en.java has

".", /*decimal separator*/ ",", /*group (thousands) separator*/

Ted Husted wrote:

When <bean:write> is provided a pattern through the message
resources, rather than as a tag attribute, the
ml#applyLocalizedPattern> method is used. This method assumes the
pattern is using a localized notation.

Does anyone know where the localized notations are documented?

Or, do you have to run a test program with toLocalizedPattern and discover it that way?

This question relates to Issue #2119 <http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=21992>.


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