
The application I am working on is secured with a login that required a
username and password.  Once a user is logged in, all pages can be accessed
as long as there is a Subject object in the Session.  My problem is that
part of the webapp provided links to pages that open in another window, and
when the link is clicked, it is forwarding to the logon page as if the
Subject object is no longer in the Session.  I've determined that this
behavior is only present when the hostname used for the request is not fully
qualified upon the intial logon.

For instance.

User logons on by going to http://serverName/webapp/

Then the application provides a link to which open a page in a
new window.

When the user click the link, a new window is opened but they are forwarded
to the logon page as if they never logged on in the first place.

How can I have all requests to the original hostname
http://serverName/webapp be redirected to ?  Is there anybody out there that
has experienced this or knows of a better way to work around this issue?

Thanks in Advance,

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