Hi Guys,

Not explicity Struts related but this error is happening in my Struts Action and 
someone may have come across it..

Basically I am using Commons File Uploader. 

If I post a file upload to Tomcat directly, e.g http://server:8080/upload.do it works 

If I post a file through our IIS -> JK2 -> Tomcat method, e.g http://server/upload.do 
it fails with a "Stream terminated unexpectedly".

The code below is what I am doing - this is not at fault .. it seems to be going 
through IIS that is killing my upload..

if (FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
  DiskFileUpload upload = new DiskFileUpload();
  List items = null;
  try {
    logger.info("parsing multipart form request");
    items = upload.parseRequest(request);
  } catch (FileUploadException fuE) {
    break DO_CHECKIN;

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