I would like to be able to construct a HTTP POST
response and send it to a specific server. This would
be outside of a typical client request/response chain.

What is happening (perhaps there is a better way to do
this?) is a new user signs up for a member account on
our website. The form is processed and the user data
is saved to the database. If at registration time the
user indicates they would like to sign up for our
mailing list (as most do) then I need to send an HTTP
POST response to our third-party email list provider
with the user's information. The email list provider
has a sign-up form on their site customized for my
list but we don't want the user to have to basicaly
input the data twice, once on my site and once on the
email list provider site. So this response i'd like to
construct will be sent to the URL shown in the form's
ACTION parameter. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

I really appreciate it guys.


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