Doesn't look like the script is commented properly.
 I changed:
<!-- Begin

To just:

and it rendered properly in Firebird .7

Did you add "Begin" or did Validator?

Curious, because I'm a Struts newbie and plan on using Validator soon.


> Hi folks,
> I am having a problem with Mozilla, Netscape, and FireBird browsers on
> pages that use
> the validator JavaScript.  It seems that the browsers "choke" on all that
> script and end up displaying the script instead of the page content (
> even though the script is guarded by the HTML comments) about 80% of the
> time.
> Please see:
> When I have a garbled page, I look at the page source, and the source looks
> fine.
> The page validates as HTML 4.01 Transitional compliant via:
> The only way I can get it to display correctly, is to keep hitting reload
> until it renders correctly, but the page source is always the same by file
> comparison.
> If you File->Save a garbled page, and load it from file, it renders correctly.
> IE does not have this problem, and I cannot find any evidence that any one else
> has ever experienced this either.  What makes our pages a special case?
> I know all the affected browsers are related in some way, do they share
> some sort
> of common bug (In Gecko I presume)?
> Can anyone confirm they see what I see?  Anyone have a similar experience?
> BugZilla ( is rather difficult for me to use,
> so I
> haven't been able to use it well enough to find reports of this.
> Tested Browsers:
> Mozilla 1.5 Gecko/20030916
> FireBird 0.7 Gecko/20031007
> Netscape 7.1 Gecko/20030624

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