Theodosios Paschalidis wrote:

Hi all.

I am internationalizing my application and I was wondering whether the standard validators can be used with Unicode (greek) characters by the proper modification of the regular expression. Standard [a-z] expressions doesn't recognize unicode characters, throwing the predefined error. Is it possible to use the unicode escape sequence?in a \u????-\uXXXX manner?

Thank you,

Assuming the struts regular expressions handle unicode correctly you should be able to use the actual greek characters in the validation.xml file.

You will have to change the xml encoding from <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> to something like <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> or greek encoding. The ISO-8859-1 encoding is the standard ascii characters and so international characters are not supported.

The \uXXXX format is used only in the .properties files, not in .xml.

-- Jason Lea

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