Inspecting code i found this:

    protected String formatValue(Object valueToFormat) throws
JspException {
        Format format = null;
        Object value = valueToFormat;
        Locale locale =
            RequestUtils.retrieveUserLocale( pageContext, this.localeKey
        boolean formatStrFromResources = false;
        String formatString = formatStr;

        // Return String object as is.
        if ( value instanceof java.lang.String ) {
                return (String)value;
        } else {
Do formatting stuff

May you have netTotal as a String object?

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucas Gonzalez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Jueves, 05 de Febrero de 2004 11:55 a.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Formating a float

I´ve been searching the list for any insight about this issue, but found
no real solutions.

I need to format a float that is shown using:

    <bean:write name="netTotal" filter="true" format="#,###.00"/>

but it does not works.
I´ve tried with many formats, but none seems to work. There is anything
I am doing wrong?

I wonder if anyone could point me some docs or anything that might

Thanks a lot!

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