
You can try something like this:

1. Instead of return r ---> request.setAttribute("formprop",r);

2. In your JSP         
<select name="formprop">
<logic:iterate id="field" name="formprop">
  <option value="<bean:write name="field"
property="formprop[]"/>"><bean:write name="field" property="formprop[]"/></option>

If you want your property|value pair to be different, 
you should use a HashMap.


> is it possible to use a java.util.List object with an HTML:SELECT control.
> import java.util.List;
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> public final class Roles extends Ojbect {
>     public Roles() {}
>     public static List getRoles() {
>          List r = new ArrayList();
>          r.add("ADMIN");
>          r.add("SUPERADMIN");
>          r.add("CLERK");
>          r.add("SUPERCLERK");
>          return r;
>     }
> }
> in jsp 
> i would use
> <html:form action="....." >
> <html:select property="formprop">
> <!-- what goest inside the html:select aattribute -->
> <html:options......
> <html:select>
> </html:form>
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