This is a bit of a guess....

Are you using relative paths for your images?

When you access the jsp directly your current page is
/somewebapp/geral/geralLogin.jsp. So an image whichg refers to
../images/somepicture.gif will resolve to

When you get errors your current page is /somewebapp/ So the
same relative image path will this time point to /images/somepicture.gif
which won't be valid as the context is missing. 

You can verify whether this is the case by looking at your access logs.

Try changing the path in struts-config to path="/geral/gerallogin"


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 16 February 2004 13:20
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: ActionForward(mapping.getInput()) ....
> I'm using Tiles for manager the layout of my application and 
> it's a example of my geralLogin.jsp page, and works without 
> problem except when I have a exception and get the 
> mapping.getInmput() value for return tho the same page 
> (login.jsp) with ActionErrors etc... at 
> When this happen the login.jps don't show the images, css and 
> other things about the page, show just the <htmt:text> , 
> <htmt:password> , <htmt:submit>, <html: errors />. The 
> problem is just the images and css.
> Example of geralLogin.jsp:
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
> <tiles:insert page="/layouts/loginLayout.jsp" flush="true" >
> <tiles:put name="title" value="Sistema de Gestão Integrada - Login" />
> <tiles:put name="body" value="/geral/geralLoginBody.jsp" />
> </tiles:insert>
> Example of my struts-config.xml:
> <action
> attribute="GeralLoginIBean"
> name="GeralLoginIBean"
> input="/geral/geralLogin.jsp"
> path="/gerallogin"
> type="com.topit.geral.action.LoginAction"
> validate="false">
> <forward name="sucesso" path="/geral/principal_teste.jsp" 
> redirect="true" />
> <forward name="falha" path="/geral/geralLogin.jsp" redirect="true" />
> </action>

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